Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS, Fryazino branch
Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and
Automation (MSTU MIREA)
The paper is received on December 1, 2014
Abstract. We analyze the construction of a system of radar signal processing
and generation for satellites, which takes into account the technical
limitations and instrumental resource limitations of digital processing. The
desired effectiveness can be obtained by using simplified procedures for processing
of spatio-temporal signals using the stochastic interpolation of bearing in adaptive
antenna arrays. Sequence beam formation on the
basis of truncated (small element) apertures and robust statistics at the input
of coarse ("Boolean", "binary-iconic") signal samples is
used. This
is especially actually for the implementation of radar equipment in conditions
constraints of hardware and computing resources, weight and size restrictions,
restrictions on word length, energy potential and cost. To achieve the
advantages a non-traditional approach is proposed: to
implement a stochastic modulation of phase center position
by activation of a small number of transmit elements and to use omnidirectional coarse (low-bit) of the current sample of the input signals.
Keywords: sequence beam formation, randomization, stochastic interpolation,
rough readings, small-sized
samples, the instrumental precision.