V. A. Anfertev1, V. Yu. Balakirev2,
V. L. Vaks1,2, E. G. Domracheva1,2, S. I.
Pripolzin1,2, L. S. Revin1,2, G. A. Soegova1,
A. A. Yablokov1
1Lobachevsky State
University of Nizhny Novgorod
2Institute for
Physics of Microstructures of RAS
The paper is received on January 23, 2015
Abstract. Nowadays the development of analytical spectroscopy with high
performance, sensitivity and spectral resolution is attended. In the paper the
method of two-frequency THz spectroscopy as well as the laboratory model of the
spectrometer with using two independent radiation sources and a single detector
of THz radiation are presented. The preliminary measurements have testified this
new direction of analytical spectroscopy to open widespread trends of its using
for various basic and applied problems of physics, chemistry, astronomy,
medicine and biology. First of all, there are laboratory modeling the processes
of atmospheric and space chemistry, studying of their dynamics and kinetics as
well as transformations and changes of mixture composition. Besides, the method
presented can be applied for investigations of fast processes, detecting the
intermediate and short time living products of chemical reactions.
Keywords: terahertz frequency range, high precise non-stationary spectroscopy, phase
switching, two-frequency spectrometer.