UDC 551.465
Study of behaviour of the ocean and atmosphere in areas of activity of
cyclones with satellite microwave radiometric and ground-based means
G. Grankov, S.
V. Marechek, A.
A. Milshin, E.
A. Novichikhin, N.
K. Shelobanova
Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS
January 11,
Abstract. In the paper a behavior
of the ocean-atmosphere system characteristics is analyzed basing on the data
of direct (contact) and satellite microwave radiometric measurements. We
considered some similar and distinctive features of their dynamics in the mid
latitudes of the North Atlantic (its energy active zones - Norwegian,
Newfoundland and Gulf Stream) forcing the weather conditions in Europe, and in
the tropical latitudes of the Atlantic (Gulf of Mexico, areas of the Bahamas),
which are the sources of the tropical cyclogenesis.
Keywords: North
Atlantic and tropical cyclones, system ocean-atmosphere, satellite microwave
radiometric measurements, brightness temperature, direct measurements.