Investigation of wide-band planar Luneburg lenses
V. V. Akhiyarov 1 , V. A. Kaloshin
2, E. A. Nikitin
Scientific Institute of Radio-Electronics Technology of Bauman Moscow State
Technical University
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and
Electronics of RAS,
3 Moscow Technical University of
Communication and Informatics
The paper is received
on January 20, 2014
Abstract. Numerical electromagnetic modeling of two types of
metal-dielectric planar Luneburg lenses: a radially stratified and based on ring
dielectric EBG structure have been made. Simulation is carried out using three methods: a parabolic
equation, integral equations and finite element method. The problems of
radiation and diffraction of a plane wave considered. The broadband properties of planar
Luneburg lenses have been investigated.
Keywords: Planar lens, Luneburg lens, broadband antennas, integral
equation, parabolic equation, finite element method.