R. P. Bistrov, |
L .V. Fedorova |
Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics
of RAS
July 10, 2012
We propose a statistical
method for estimating the range of radar distance in the troposphere, taking
into account the simultaneous effect of attenuation of radio waves in the
hydrometeors and the molecular absorption of atmospheric gases. On the basis of this method, calculated
probability distribution of the attenuation of millimeter waves in rains averaged
for 23 years according to statistics of rainfalls of varying intensity in the
mid-band of European territory of Russia. Taking into account the calculated
statistics of attenuation in hydrometeors (rain, fog, rainy clouds), as well as
molecular absorption of water vapor and non-resonant absorption in oxygen, by
methods of mathematical simulation-ray derived probability distribution ranges
of radar distances in five millimeter wave lengths: 8.2, 6, 3.2, 2.5 and 1.42 mm. A comparison of radar distances in
decimeter, centimeter and millimeter wavelengths is given.
Keywords: radar operating distance; rain intensily;
absorption of radio waves in water
vapor; propability distribution; attenuation in hydrometeors; non-resonant
absorbition in oxygen.