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Physical modeling of electromagnetic interference under the influence of electromagnetic impulses on the macro-objects


Z. M. Gizatullin, M. G. Nuriev, R. M. Gizatullin

Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N.Tupolev - KAI


The paper is received on May 22, 2015 


Abstract. This paper considers the application of the method of physical modeling for problems of electromagnetic compatibility electronic means with the participation of macro-objects. The mathematical models, the calculated parameters and the results of physical modeling of electromagnetic interference under the influence of electromagnetic impulses on the metal construction of the building are presented. The reported study was supported by RFBR, research project No. 14-01-31098 ìîë_a”.

Key words: physical modeling, electromagnetic compatibility, information security, electronic means, macro-object, electromagnetic interference, mathematical model, methodology.