Simulation of An occultation sounding experiment using a
numerical calculation of the parabolic diffraction equation
Ya. A. Ilyushin1, A. L.
2 , Yu. A. Gavrik
2, T. F. Kopnina
Lomonosov Moscow State University
2 Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering
and Electronics of RAS, Fryazino branch
March 13, 2012
Abstract. We have used direct simulation of occultation signal using a
numerical calculation of the parabolic diffraction equation to analyze
variations of signal intensity and phase along the line of trajectory of Venus
satellite during an occultation experiment. As a result we have proved the
liner relationship between variations of phase and intensity of the signal
deformed by regular spherically symmetric ionosphere. It is shown that a
coincidence between energy and non-energy parameters of a sounding radio wave
proves reliability of the result obtained from inverse radio occultation problem.
Keywords: occultation, radio wave
propagation, ionosphere and atmosphere of planets.