Basic provisions of the theory of action of MM waves on water-containing and
biological objects
S. V. Savel’ev 1,
O. V. Betskii 1,
L. A. Morozova 2
Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of
RAS, Moscow, Fryazino branch
2 Administration of Fryazino
Received November 15, 2012
Abstract. In the
article the theory of action of MM wave on water containing environments and
live organisms for the first time is offered and confirmed experimentally. The
mechanism of action of MM wave is based on the direct influence of radio
response of biological and water containing objects under the influence of MM
waves radiation.
Keywords: MM wave, water containing and
natural objects, a radio response, homeostasis, frequency-dependent nature of
action MM wave, threshold biological effect.