The analysiof linear hypersoumd vibrations of magnetostriction
transducer based on connected oscillators model
V. S. Vlasov 1,
A. P. Ivanov 1, V. G. Shavrov 2, V. I. Shcheglov
Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, Russia
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics
of RAS, Moscow,
The paper is received
on November 19, 2013
Abstract. The hypersound vibrations
excitation by alternating magnetic field in geometry of normal magnetized
ferrite plate is investigated. It is suggested the reduced equation system
based on connected oscillators model. It is found two forced vibration regimes
corresponded to decrease and increase of amplitude in the time. The analytical
criterions of connection constant critical meaning and resonance frequency in
transition point are found. It is shown that the bifurcation point between
regimes corresponded to infinite growth of model system vibrations amplitude
for the case of yttrium iron garnet is equivalent to reorientation transition
point of magnetization vector.
Key words: hypersound, nonlinear
vibrations, magnetoelasticity.