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The features of the method to ensure interoperability in the grid environment and cloud computing

E. E. Zuravlev 1, S. V. Ivanov 2, A. A. Kamenschikov 3, A. Ya. Oleinikov 3,  I. I. Chusov 3, T. D. Shirobokova 3

1 Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS

2 Russian New University

3 Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS

The paper is received on October 27, 2014


Abstract: The features of the method to ensure interoperability in the grid environment and cloud computing are described. The method is based on a unified approach developed by the authors earlier and presented in the form of a national standard. Features follow from the functional purpose of grid environment and cloud computing. These features appears in the differences in architecture, model and set of standards included in the  interoperability  profile at the semantic and organizational levels.

Keywords: interoperability, grid, grid environment, cloud computing, clouds, method, standardization.