Estimation of Optical NEP of Titanium Hot-Electron Transition Edge
Sensor Nanobolometers
A. N. Vystavkin, A. G. Kovalenko, I. A. Cohn,
A. S. Ilyin, S. V. Shitov, O. V. Koryukin, A. V. Uvarov
Kotel'nikov Institute of
Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS
Received September 9, 2012
Abstract. The paper considers different superconducting
titanium microstructures fabrication technology methods. An optimal method, in
terms of superconducting transition point reproducibility, has been developed. IV
curves and resistance temperature dependences were measured with different
blackbody radiation source temperatures. The dependencies comparison allowed to
estimate the noise equivalent power of a bolometer, fabricated using the
proposed technology.
Keywords: Superconducting microelectronics,
transition edge sensor, hot electrons.