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UDC 517: 519.62: 535.4: 621.38
PACS numbers: 02.60.Nm, 03.65.Db, 03.65.Nk, 05.40.Ca, 42.82.-m

Analysis of the propagation, transformation and scattering of the monochromatic electromagnetic waves in the irregular waveguides: a case of integrated-optical waveguide with statistic surface roughness and a case of optical nanofibers with random rough surface

 A.A. Egorov,1 A.V. Stavtsev,2 T.K. Chekhlova,2 A.G. Timakin,2 V.I. Grygoruk,3
Yu.A. Gayday,
3 A.V. Kovalenko,3 V.N. Kurashov3 

1A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences,
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Received September 9, 2010 

Abstract. We examine in this paper two cases, which are very interested for the theory and experiments: a case of an integrated-optical waveguide with statistic surface roughness and a case of optical nanofibers with random rough surface. The peculiarities of approximate solutions of vector electrodynamic problems in the first cases in brief are discussed and useful evaluations of losses due to scattering also are given. Some results of research of radiation losses of optical nanofibers in assumption of Gaussian statistics of distorted glass/air interface are presented. In conclusion we mark a problem of synthesizing of an optical processor or/and optical sensor with high metrological parameters with allowance for the problem of light scattering in optical waveguides with surface roughness.

Keywords: integrated optics, fiber optics, Maxwell’s equations, vector electrodynamics’ problems, irregular waveguide, multilayer waveguide, optical nanofibers, boundary conditions, waveguide modes, statistic irregularities, TE and TM modes, leaky modes, waveguide scattering, radiation losses, optical sensor, computer modelling.