Local measurement of dielectric properties of materials by terahertz
Josephson spectroscopy
Snezhko1,2, V. Pavlovskiy1, V. Gubankov1,
V. Pokalyakin1
Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS
Institute of Physics and Technology
The paper is
received on September
15, 2015
Abstract. In the paper a method based on Josephson spectroscopy for local
measurement of real dielectric permittivity of different materials with low
losses is demonstrated. Dielectric permittivities of r-cut sapphire εsapphire = 9.6 at f=155,2 GHz and (001) NdGaO3 εNGO = 23 at f=106,4 GHz are obtained.
Key words: terahertz electronics, superconductivity, Josephson junction.