Nonlinear hypersound vibrations of magnetostriction transducer on the frequencies,
having multiple part of excitation frequency.
Part 1. The division of frequency
V. S. Vlasov
V. G. Shavrov
V. I. Shcheglov
Syktyvkar State University, Syktyvkar, Russia
Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS,
Moscow, Russia
The paper is
received on September 6, 2015
Abstract. The forced vibrations of
magnetization and elastic displacement in normal magnetized ferrite plate
having magnetoelastic properties are investigated. In the case when resonance
frequency of elastic system is equal to the multiple part of resonance
frequency of magnetic system, in strong nonlinear regime of excitation it is
possible the division of initial frequency in whole-number and also in
fractional-number relation. It is investigated the cases of circular and linear
polarization of excitation field. It is found the different regimes of division
and supposed some hypotheses of its interpretation.
Key words: magnetostriction
transducer, nonlinear vibrations, division of frequency.