Evaluation of the signal-to-noise ratio in satellite communication systems
А. А. Silantyev
1,2, V. G.
Patyukov 2, E. V. Patyukov 2, V. A.
Shatrov 1,2
1 JSC "Information
satellite systems" named after academician M.F. Reshetnev
Institute of Engineering Physics and Radioelectronics, Siberian Federal
The paper is received on February 27, 2015
The problems of research of a new method for estimating signal-to-noise ratio
are considered. The method is based on the analysis of the statistical
characteristics of the peaks of random processes used to improve the accuracy
and noise immunity of the channel of communication, as well as to optimize the
hardware command-measuring satellite communications systems.
Key words: command-measuring system, the ratio signal/noise, characteristics of
random processes.