Experimental study of nonlinear microstrip lattice with metamaterial substrate
D. V.
Semenikhina, N. I. Chikov, A. I. Semenikhin, N. N. Gorbatenko
Southern Federal University , Taganrog
The paper is
received on April 10, 2016
this paper the reflective properties of a layout of a nonlinear microstrip
lattice with the substrate of the MM are studied to confirm the possibility of
aligning multiple harmonic components of the reflected field. The complex
frequency characteristics of the reflection and transmission for the layout of
the microstrip substrate from the metamaterial were experimentally obtained. On
this basis, the process of homogenization is conducted to confirm operability
of the layout MM and evaluation the accuracy of the electrodynamics model.
metamaterial, DNG-structure, nonlinear
scattering, microstrip lattice, homogenization.