Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2020. No. 8

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DOI  https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.8.12

UDC 621.3.095.11


 Full-wave and impedance models of ultra wideband thin twist-metapolarizers for cloacking coverings


P. V. Blagovisnyy, A. I. Semenikhin

Southern Federal University, Institute of the Radio Engineering Systems and Control, Nekrasovskyy Lane, 44, Taganrog 347922, Russia


The paper is received on July 7, 2020, after correction - on August 19, 2020


Abstract. Modern low reflective non-absorptive coatings are based on the principles of the twist-effect, the interference cancellation and the diffuse scattering of electromagnetic waves. Such chess-like coatings consist of an anisotropic metasurface on a shielded dielectric substrate. They represent metapolarizers distributed over a coating. Advantages of these structures are: the applicability in different wavelength ranges (from microwave to terahertz and optics), the electromagnetic energy absorptionless and the absence of radiation in the infra-red range. However, the development of full-wave models of low observable anisotropic metasurfaces requires large computational resources and time consumption. In practice, therefore, simpler impedanced models of coded metapolarizers are used simultaneously. Two types of metapolarizers’ models, differed by metaparticles topology, are studied in this paper. The metasurface of the first MP consists of metaparticles in the form of "eights" (an original topology), the second one - of metaparticles in the form of symmetric split ring resonators (an improved know topology). The aim of the work is to investigate the full-wave and impedance models of more effective (compared with known ones) ultra wideband thin single-layer metapolarizers as applied to the creation of radio masking coded coatings. To construct impedance models of reciprocal metapolarizers, fields homogenization in the Floquet channel and the equivalent circuits method are used. The applicability criterion for impedanced dissipationless models of metapolarizers is the satisfaction of the Foster's theorem and the identity of the frequency characteristics of the reflection coefficients for the impedanced and full-wave MP models. Electrodynamics simulation is performed in HFSS. Designed full-wave and impedance models of the first and second metapolarizers provide a twist effect at the level of minus 17 dB and 15 dB in the frequency bands of around 67,1% and 70,9% respectively (under normal incidence). When increasing the wave incidence angle up to 20 degrees the twist-effect decreasing on 1-2 dB and the working frequency band narowing on 5-7% are observed. Applicability conclusion of using the proposed metapolarizers in the designs of cloaking coded covers is drawn based on the results obtained.

Key words: metapolarizer, anisotropic metasurface, equivalent circuits’ method, homogenization, twist-effect, metaparticle, metacovering.


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For citation:

Blagovisnyy P.V., Semenikhin A.I. Full-wave and impedance models of ultra wideband thin twist-metapolarizers for cloacking coverings. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No.8. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.8.12.   (In Russian)