"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 12, 2016

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Z. M. Gizatullin, R. M. Gizatullin, M. S. Shkinderov, M. G. Nuriev, R. I. Salimov
Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI


The paper is received on November 21, 2016


Abstract. Computer networks must meet certain requirements in terms of reliability, security, timeliness and reliability of the transmission of information, without which there is no effective management and production activities. The problem of effects of external electromagnetic interference on computer networks based on UTP is considered in the article. An effective solution to the problem of noise immunity the computer networks is its accounting at the development and introduction. Substantiates a decision on the need to improve the noise immunity of computer networks under the influence of electromagnetic interference on the based on the simulation results. Mathematical models for analysis of electromagnetic interference in the unshielded twisted pair under the influence of external electromagnetic field in the far-field region are suggested in this project. Limits of mathematical models are defined. Simulation results of electromagnetic interference are used to the solution of the problem the noise immunity problem analysis computer networks. A theoretical technique for the analysis of noise immunity of computer networks are proposed. The results of the study are presented.

Key words: computer networks, noise immunity, electromagnetic interference, unshielded twisted pair, mathematical model, technique, simulation.


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