Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. ¹12
Full text in Russian (pdf)
N.S. Bukhman
Samara State Technical University
443100, Russia, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya str., 244
The paper was received June 3, 2024.
Abstract. The time dependence of the total signal of two point dipole emitters of electromagnetic waves emitting the same quasi-monochromatic signals (two-beam interference) is considered. It is shown that the time dependence of the envelope of the total signal is close to the time dependence of the envelope of the signal of one emitter with an accuracy of up to a certain delay time. This delay time varies from the usual (geometric) delay time in the light bands of the interference field (the area of constructive interference) to a halved one compared to the geometric one in the dark bands (the area of destructive interference). At the intermediate points of the interference field, the delay time turns out to be complex, that is, the signal is not only shifted in time, but also distorted.
Key words: two-beam interference, group velocity, superluminal velocity, prediction.
Corresponding author: Bukhman N.S.,
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For citation:
Bukhman N.S. Time dependence of a quasi-monochromatic signal in the area of destructive two-beam interference of electromagnetic waves. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – ¹. 12. (In Russian)