Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №12


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Method for calculating an electron gun
forming an axially symmetric beam


R.N. Rizakhanov


State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "Keldysh Research Center"
125438, Russia, Moscow, Onega St., 8.


The paper was received August 8, 2024.


Abstract. The problem of formation of intense axially symmetric electron beams in electron guns is considered. A new method to solving the external synthesis problem is proposed, in the method the potential distribution required to form a beam of a given configuration is determined. The method is based on the use of axial potential and charge density obtained when solving the internal beam problem. It is shown that this solution method allows calculating the shape of the electrodes, by restoring the potential from the axis of the gun, and not from the curvilinear boundary of the beam.

Key words: electron beam, electron gun, Childe-Legmuir flow, equipotential of electrostatic field, current line; restoring potential in space; charge density, axially symmetric beam.

Corresponding author: Rizakhanov Razhudin


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For citation:

Rizakhanov R.N. Method for calculating an electron gun forming an axially symmetric beam. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 12. (In Russian)