Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. №2


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D.A. Suslov, V.G. Shavrov, V.I. Shcheglov


Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS,

125009, Russia, Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 11 b.7


The paper was received November 5, 2024.


Abstract. In geometry of axial symmetry along the constant field the dependency of two-sublattice magnetization ferrimagnetic from field is investigated. On the base of whole energy solidity minimization it is found the phase diagram of material in whole. It is proposed the numerical algorithm of construction of lower branch of diagram which consist of three stage on the first of its varied the sublattice magnetization orientation, on the second varied field and on the third varied temperature. In connection with this algorithm it is founded the dependence of field transfer from collinear anti-parallel phase to angle phase in broad temperature interval. It is shown that thr anisotropy field introduction brought to increasing of transfer field from temperature. It is proposed qualitative physical interpretation of above mentioned dependencies which consist of orientational force of anisotropy field along its axis which coincides with inner field direction. It is proposed the methodic which allow about four character points of diagram found the system algebraic equations which couples sublattice magnetization values with character material parameters. With using of this methodic it is made the model determination of sublattice magnetizations in separate with precision of some units percent. It is proposed some recommendations for further investigations.

Keywords: mixed garnet ferrite, compensation temperature, sub-lattice magnetization.

Financing: The work was performed within the framework of the state assignment of the V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Corresponding author: Shcheglov Vladimir Ignatyevich,



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For citation:

Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I. Phase diagram of two-sublattice ferrimagnetic with compensation point in presence of uniaxial anisotropy // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025. – № 2. (In Russian)