Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹2


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The use of microstrip and fractal antennas based
on metamaterials in digital communication systems
can help increase energy efficiency


D.S. Sever, Ya.S. Dronin, L.G. Statsenko, A.Yu. Rodionov, M.V. Bernavskaya


Far Eastern Federal University,
690922, Primorsky Krai, Vladivostok, Russkiy Island, Ayaks settlement, 10


The paper was received November 25, 2024.


Abstract. The possibility of using metamaterials in the construction of microstrip and fractal antennas is investigated. The variations of the introduction of metamaterials considered in the work make it possible to achieve increased energy efficiency of digital communication systems, which makes it possible to create devices with improved characteristics and expanded functionality. Various variants of microstrip and fractal antenna devices were modeled using CST Studio software, which meet modern requirements for optimizing the size and improving radiation parameters. The paper considers two structures: a torn ring resonator (SRR) and a complementary resonator with detachable rings (CSRR). The possibility of using the studied antennas in 5G, Wi-Fi standards (2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, 6E standard) is considered, the advantages of using both metamaterials and fractal geometries to increase energy efficiency and noise immunity of digital communication systems are shown.

Key words: square resonator with split ring, metamaterial, patch antenna, fractal antennas, resonant properties, operating frequency, reflection coefficient, complementary resonator with split rings, composite structures.

Financing: This work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation in the field of scientific activity under project No. FZNS-2023-0008.

Corresponding author: Dronin Yaroslav Sergeevich,



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For citation:

Sever D.S., Dronin Ya.S., Statsenko L.G., Rodionov A.Yu., Bernavskaya M.V. The use of microstrip and fractal antennas based on metamaterials in digital communication systems to increase their energy efficiency. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025 – ¹ 2. (In Russian)