Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2025. ¹2
Full text in Russian (pdf)
V.A. Kaloshin1, Nguyen The Thanh2
1Kotelnikov IRE RAS
125009, Russia, Moscow, Mokhovaya str., 11, b.72Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
(National Research University),
141700, Russia, Moscow region, Dolgoprudny, Institutsky lane, 9
The paper was received February 28, 2025.
Abstract. An ultra-wideband polyconical antenna with a homogeneous dielectric lens is investigated. As a result of numerical modeling and parameter optimization using the finite element and finite difference methods in the time domain, it is shown that the optimized polyconical antenna provides an operating frequency band of 44:1 with an efficiency greater than 0.8.
Key words: ultra- wideband antenna, omnidirectional antenna in horizontal plane, polyconical antenna, dielectric lens.
Financing: The work was carried out using budget funding within the framework of the state task 0030-2019-006.
Corresponding author: Nguyen The Thanh,
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For citation:
Kaloshin V.A., Nguyen The Thanh. Ultra-wideband polyconical antenna with a dielectric lens. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2025 – ¹ 2. (In Russian).