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Local NMR spectroscopy in a study of head brain ischemia


M. V. Gulyaev 1, L. V. Gubskiy 2, E. A. Cherkashova 2, N. V. Anisimov 1, Jaw Fushan 3, Yu. A. Pirogov 1


1 M. V. Lomonosov Moscow state university

2 N. I. Pirogov Russian national research medical university

3 National university of Taiwan

Received January 24, 2013


Abstract.   Morphological and metabolic peculiarities of ischemia formations in the rat head brain were studied by local NMR spectroscopy method on the 7-T biospectral scanner Bruker BioSpec 70/30 URS.   Measured proton spectra displayed: after middle brain artery occlusion, formed ischemia seat changes metabolic processes in  damage place cardinally.        Reduction of kreatine, remarkable increasing lactate and lipids, and growth of lactate/choline relation have place after middle brain artery occlusion. These indications allow with high reliability to determine stages of ischemia regeneration of healthy tissues after brain stroke. Developed noninvasive spectroscopy method  in vivo in combination with MRI regime allows to substitute for a surgical biopsy of any new formation in human and animal organisms.     

Key words: medical physics, magnetic resonance imaging, NMR radio spectroscopy, head brain ischemia, brain stroke, biospectral MRI scanner, metabolite, biopsy.