"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 1, 2017

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The design of multi-frequency microstrip antennas with circular polarization

B. A. Mishoostin, V. G. Slyozkin

Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Krasnokazarmennaya 17, Moscow 111250, Russia
Sevastopol State University, Universitetskaya 33, Sevastopol
299053, Russia


The paper is received on December 23, 2016


Abstract. Specific aspects of designing multi-frequency antennas are illustrated with three-frequency antennas transmitting at frequency f1 and receiving at frequencies 2f1 and 3f1. We have suggested using ring microstrip antennas with outer radiating slot (RMSA-O) and inner radiating slot (RMSA-I) as a basis. The inner cavities (resonators) of the antennas are excited by ports formed by the coaxial cable central conductor, while circular polarization is provided by the shorting polarizing plugs. The optimal radius of the radiating slot was estimated as 0.3 of wavelength by means of approximate electrodynamic analysis where the slot was substituted with equivalent ring magnetic current which field was further analyzed in the far-field region. To analyze excitation conditions of the antenna resonators we studied boundary conditions for proper wave existence in the form of transcendental equation for Bessel functions and its derivatives. It was shown that due to the multiple contributing factors accurate dimensions of the antennas can only be determined through numerical modeling. It was recommended to initially place the ports and polarizing plugs in the middle of the resonator and provide angular spacing between them of about 90°. First, by varying their radial position it is possible to achieve matching of the antennas input with the cable, and then by changing angular position of one or two diametrically opposite polarizing plugs one can obtain circular polarization of radiation. Three-frequency antenna can be implemented in a form of planar or pyramidal construction through gradually supplementing the one-frequency model with elements from antennas of other frequencies. At first we will add only those elements which affect its field, and then after the dimensions of the one-frequency antenna have been verified the model will be further supplemented with additional elements. The basic model for RMSA-O is that of upper frequency, while for RMSA-I — of lower frequency. Based on our engineering experience, it is better to use RMSA-I as parabolic reflector feeds, while  RMSA-O are preferred as stand-alone antenna devices or members of antenna arrays.

Key words: microstrip antenna, multi-frequency antenna, circular polarization.


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Reference to this paper:

The design of multi-frequency microstrip antennas with circular polarization. B. A. Mishoostin, V. G. Slyozkin. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 1. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jan17/6/text.pdf. (In Russian)