Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences


(zhurnal radioelektroniki)

online journal, ISSN 1684-1719

Editor-in-chief academician Yu.V. Gulyaev

N 1 - January 2017

Correction and error detection by Reed – Solomon code based on the spectral description.
V. A. Vershinin
Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Polyphase coherent complemented signals.
R. N. Ipanov
Abstract.   Full text: pdf

On a possibility of detecting of thawing soil depth in permafrost zones by GNSS signals.
M. G. Dembelov, Yu. B. Bashkuev, V. B. Khaptanov, A. M. Dembelova, A. V. Loukhnev
Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Downward 3 mm wavelength radio emission from the atmosphere in the highlands.
K. Sh. Ashymkanov

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Microwave characteristics of composite magnetic material based on Z – type hexaferrite.
O. A. Dotsenko, K. O. Frolov

Abstract.   Full text: pdf

Generation of powerful pulses in terahertz and infrared bands during interaction of multi-terawatt laser fields with limited size targets.
Victor V. Kulagin, Vladimir N. Kornienko, Vladimir A. Cherepenin, D. N. Gupta

Abstract.   Full text: pdf

Assessment of impact of ionizing radiation on electronic components on the base of testing of limited samples.
M. M. Venediktov, E. S. Obolenskaya, V. K. Kiselev, S. V. Obolensky

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Practical aspects of creating a quantum standard of current.

I. A. Cohn, A. N. Vystavkin, A. S. Ilin, A. G. Kovalenko.

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Superconducting integrated receiver: recent achievements and new applications.
N. V. Kinev, P. N. Dmitriev, L. V. Filippenko, O. S. Kiselev, E. G. Domracheva, E. A. Sobakinskaya, V. L. Vaks, H. B. Wang, V. P. Koshelets.

Abstract.   Full text: pdf

The design of multi-frequency microstrip antennas with circular polarization.
B. A. Mishoostin, V. G. Slyozkin

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Study of the frequency scanning for a slotted waveguide antenna array with a constant phase shift between the waveguides.
V. I. Kalinichev, A. A. Babaskin

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Tuneable cryogenic spectral filter for high-sensitive bolometers calibration.

A. M. Chekushkin, R. A. Yusupov, V. V. Zavialov, L. S. Kuzmin, M. A. Tarasov
Abstract.   Full text: pdf

A method of measuring radioholograms.
A.V. Kokoshkin, V.A. Korotkov, K.V. Korotkov, E. P. Novichihin

Abstract.   Full text: pdf


Holographic mask with a layered structure. Mathematical synthesis methods and advantages in production and operation.
V. V. Chernik

Abstract.   Full text: pdf

Investigation of resonance features of microwave TE11 (H11) plasmatron for plasmachemical deposition in low-pressure non-isothermal plasma, formed by local resonance UHF discharge, of silica-based optical structures,
doped by F and N, onto silica rods (tubes, preforms), used for special optical fibers fabrication.
L. M. Blinov, A. P .Gerasimenko,  A. P .Dolgov, L. Yu. Kochmarev, V. A. Cherepenin, I. P. Shilov

Abstract.   Full text: pdf

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