"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 7, 2017

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A signal processing method, algorithm of the operation and structure of the measurer of the angular

coordinates with cubic direction-finding characteristic of digital monopulse radar


A. L. Dzhioyev, I. S. Omelchuk, G. L. Fominchenko, V. V. Yakovlenko

FGUP “Rostov-on-Don radio communication scientific research institute”, Federal research and production center,

Nansen str. 130, Rostov-on-Don 344038, Russia


The paper is received on June 29, 2017, after correction - on July 28, 2017


Abstract. The problem of improving the accuracy and speed of measurement of angular coordinates in monopulse radar system overview with a total amplitude-difference meter is worked out. Based on these studies, as well as the optimization of a computer model taking into account the possibilities of modern methods of digital signal processing, a method of signal processing is elaborated, the last one provides reception of cubic direction-finding performance and analytical solution of the direction-finding equation with an accuracy of 1% of the width of the partial directional pattern in the working area, increased to monopulse width groups of rays. The algorithm works on the basis of the radar system antenna array, which has increased the speed and accuracy of measurement of angular coordinates. The block diagram of radar system is examined and its operating principle is described.

Key words: monopulse radar system, direction-finding feature, antenna array, radiation pattern.


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For citation:

A. L. Dzhioyev, I. S. Omelchuk, G. L. Fominchenko, V. V. Yakovlenko. A signal processing method, algorithm of the operation and structure of the measurer of the angular coordinates with cubic direction-finding characteristic of digital monopulse radar. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 7. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jul17/10/text.pdf. (In Russian)