"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 7, 2017

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Managing the processes of creating an early-warning radar stations functional block structure


S. F. Boev, A. S. Logovsky

OJSC Academician A. L. Mints Radiotechnical Institute, RTI Group,  St. 8th March, 10-1, Moscow 127083, Russia


The paper is received on July 12, 2017


Abstract. The creation of early warning radar in modern conditions is characterized by the need to reduce the time and cost of its creation. Following the trend of the development of the radar stations, it can be noted that from the sample to the sample tactical and technical requirements are increased while reducing the time of radar station creation. Thus, a certain contradiction arises due to the fact that when creating the next model of a radar station, or its modernization, it is necessary to increase (or not to reduce) its Tactical and technical characteristics and at the same time to reduce (or leave unchanged) creation time.

The existing methods of controlling the process of creating a radar station, as a technically complex and multifunctional system that have conflicting and sometimes mutually exclusive requirements for components and, accordingly, characteristics, do not provide a guaranteed fulfillment of tactical and technical requirements in the conditions of severe financial and time constraints determined by the State Defense Order.

The article considers the task of reducing the total time for the creation of an early warning radar by decomposing the creation of a radar based on a functional basis and the new organization of work on manufacturing the means of the product and their commissioning at the production stage.

Key words: early-warning radar stations, the processes of creation, decomposition, commissioning, functional systems, radiotelemetry system, stand of the general designer.


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  2.  Boev S.F., Khaibutov K.E. The rationale for the conceptual design development of a number of early-warning radar based on platform approach. Vestnik Yaroslavskogo zenitnogo raketnogo uchilishcha protivovozdushnoj oborony - The bulletin of the Yaroslavl school of antiaircraft missile defense. Yaroslavl, 2014, No 17, pp. 53-62. (In Russian)

  3.  Boev S.F., Rakhmanov A.A. Methodological bases of management of the establishment of highly informative unified radar stations missile space defense. Radiopromyshlennost – Radio industry, 2016, No. 1, pp. 6-13. DOI: 10.21778/2413-9599-2016-1-6-13.  (In Russian)

  4.  Boev S.F., Sloka V.K., Rakhmanov A.A. Sistema modul'no-parametricheskogo proektirovaniya radiolokacionnyh stancij dal'nego obnaruzheniya novogo pokoleniya OAO «RTI» [System of modular parametric design of early-warning radar stations of the new generation of RTI Group OJSC]. Istoriya otechestvennoj radiolokacii - History of radar station. Moscow, Metropolitan Encyclopedia Publ., 2015. pp. 407-414 (In Russian).

For citation:

S. F. Boev, A. S. Logovsky. Managing the processes of creating an early-warning radar stations functional block structure. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 7. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/jul17/11/text.pdf. (In Russian)