Abstract. Slopes of the sea surface are one of
the main characteristics that determine the scattering and reflection of radio
waves from it. The dispersion obtained in different experiments the values of
the variance of sea surface slopes at a fixed wind speed is analyzed. Two
factors are considered. The first factor is the characteristics of the equipment
for measuring the slopes. The second factor is the conditions in which
experiments are being conducted. It is shown that the discrepancies in
the dependences of the dispersion of slopes on wind speed obtained in different
experiments are caused by the peculiarities of the measuring apparatus, which
are related to its spatial resolution. The slopes variance is
reduced quickly if the spatial resolution deteriorates. Dispersions
of slopes determined with the help of optical scanners (measuring the slopes
formed by surface waves of all scales) and slope dispersion determined with the
help of wave buoys (measuring the slopes formed by waves with a length of more
than 6 m) differ approximately by a factor of 10. An
analysis of the influence of the conditions for the development of the wave
field (such as the fetch, age of
the waves) on the dispersion of slopes was carried out on the basis of the
JONSWAP spectrum. It was shown that if the slopes,
formed by waves longer than 1.5 m, the fetch must be considered only if it is
less than 2 km away.
Keywords: symmetrical
dipol antenna, magnetic antenna, matching circuit.
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