"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 3, 2017

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Kinematics and probabilistic characteristics of the process of search and detection of a moving object


V. M. Artyushenko1, V. I. Volovach2

1Technological University, 42, Gagarin Street, Korolev, 141070, Russia

2Volga Region State University of Service, 4, Gagarin Street, Togliatti, 445017, Russia


The paper is received on March 13, 2017


Abstract. The issues associated with probability of search objects detecting while moving both the object and the detection device with variable speeds on arbitrary trajectories with continuous and discrete examination of the space, including their motion along curved paths with acceleration are considered. The expressions describing the kinematics of the search object are obtained; the analysis of the distribution of the kinematics characteristics of the search object is done. The expressions for determination of probabilistic characteristics and laws of the density of probability distribution of locations of the search object are obtained. It is shown that the detection capability has the property of additivity, so it can be used in the calculation of the probability of detecting search objects, moving along the broken trajectories, and also when calculating the probability of detecting the search object by several detection devices.

Key words: search of objects, detection probability, detection device, distribution range, kinematics of the search.


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For citation:

V. M. Artyushenko, V. I. Volovach. Kinematics and probabilistic characteristics of the process of search and detection of a moving object. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 3. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/mar17/10/text.pdf. (In Russian)