Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2020. No. 5

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DOI https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.5.10

UDC 621.396.721


Specificity of current distribution in solar cells during measurement thermal resistance in diode mode


A. L. Polyakov 1, I. L. Afonin 1, Yu. N. Tyschuk 1, D. A. Polyakov 2

1 Sevastopol State University, Universitetskaya str., 33, Sevastopol 299053, Russia

2 Military unit 17204, Gorodok str., Kolomna-1, Moscow Region 140401, Russia


 The paper is received on April 29, 2020


Abstract. The article presents a developed method for identifying spacecraft (SC) based on uncontrolled radiation from onboard equipment. The method is based on the using least squares method with dynamic filtering on a "sliding window", followed by recognition of the nearest neighbor method in a specially selected probability metric Kulbak – Leibner of estimated characteristics of the average frequency component of the main carrier frequency of the SC onboard equipment generator. The results of experimental verification of the applicability of the method for solving the problem of spacecraft identification are presented. In the proposed method, the signals of uncontrolled radiation of constantly functioning blocks of the onboard equipment of spacecraft, which “leak” through antenna systems, are used as identifying indicators. In particular, local oscillators and master oscillators of the receiving path of the radio systems of spacecraft can be used as such blocks. Identification of spacecraft by the uncontrolled radiation of the local oscillators of the receiving path and the master oscillators implies measuring the nature of the change in the oscillation parameters and identifying features that distinguish the oscillations of one generator from another. Since the uncontrolled radiation of local oscillators is harmonic oscillations, the parameters of these signals are the amplitude, frequency and initial phase. It is not possible to use the signal amplitude and initial phase for identification purposes, since the propagation medium strongly affects these parameters. The most informative for identification purposes is the frequency of oscillation, or rather, the nature of the change in frequency over time. This change is due to the instability of the frequency of the onboard master oscillators. The nature of the frequency change depends on the characteristics of each onboard generator, which is the basis for identification. It should be noted that the identification process can be conditionally divided into two stages: the first stage is associated with the solution of the problem of substantiating models and processing (estimation) algorithms; the second stage involves the classification of the results of processing (evaluation).

Key words: identification, spacecraft, radio engineering system, space monitoring, uncontrolled radiation, effective antenna area, ballistic-navigation support, orbital constellation.


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For citation:

Polyakov A.L., Afonin I.L., Tyschuk Y.N., Polyakov D.A. Spacecraft identification method.  Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No. 5. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/may20/10/text.pdf.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.5.10