Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №5


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Z.M. Gizatullin, R.M. Gizatullin, R.R. Mubarakov


Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI,

420111, Russia, Kazan, К. Marx str., 10


The paper was received March 27, 2024


Abstract. Modern electronic means are quite sensitive to electromagnetic interference. At the same time, they must function reliably in the existing electromagnetic environment. Lightning discharges and industrial sources make a significant contribution to the formation of the electromagnetic environment around electronic equipment. In this case, pulsed magnetic fields with microsecond parameters most often arise. The most rational approach to ensuring electromagnetic compatibility of electronic means is the most complete accounting and protection from possible phenomena at the design stage. Different methods for modeling the consequences of exposure to electromagnetic interference have their own advantages and disadvantages. To develop a technique and modeling interference in electronic means based on an artificial neural network using the example of the influence of a pulsed magnetic field a the purpose of this work. A practical technique for calculation the magnitude of interference in electronic means using an artificial neural network the paper proposes. All stages of the technique are described: analysis of the main input parameters affecting the amount of interference in the electronic means; the use of a special experimental stand for measuring interference depending on significant input parameters; choosing the structure and parameters of an artificial neural network to modeling interference; choosing a training method for an artificial neural network; choosing a criterion for assessing the quality of training when solving a regression problem; normalization of training data; training an artificial neural network using measured data; modeling the amount of interference in the communication line of an electronic means when exposed to a pulsed magnetic field; assessment of consequences and selection of methods of protection against interference. As an example, we consider the problem of modeling the amount of interference in a communication line inside an electronic means when exposed to a pulsed magnetic field. The magnetic field has parameters recommended by the requirements of the regulatory document on electromagnetic compatibility of devices. In the problem under consideration, an acceptable discrepancy in results is achieved with an acceptable number of neural network training epochs.

Key words: electronic means, electromagnetic interference, pulsed magnetic field, lightning discharge, technique, modeling, artificial neural network.

Financing: The work was supported by the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A. N. Tupolev Strategic Academic Leadership Program (“PRIORITET–2030”).

Corresponding author: Gizatullin Zinnur Marselevich,


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For citation:

Gizatullin Z.M., Gizatullin R.M., Mubarakov R.R.  Modeling of interference in an electronic device under influence of a pulse magnetic field using an artificial neural network. //Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – № 5. (In Russian)