Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. ¹5


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Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I.


Kotelnikov IRE RAS

125009, Russia, Moscow, st. Mokhovaya, 11 b.7



The paper was received April 2, 2024.


Abstract. The calculation algorithm of sublattice magnetizations in two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point is proposed. On the consideration of magnetic as the combination of spin with two orientations it is found the dependence of magnetization from the temperature in the firm of transcendent equation. The calculated decision of this equation make the coincidence the calculated dependence with experiment in precision about 10%. For the analytic presentation of magnetization temperature dependence in obviously view it is proposed the power index approximation which consist of relation magnetic temperature to curie temperature in six power index. On the basis of power index approximation the phase diagram of two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point is constructed. It is shown the scheme of sublattice magnetization determination on the basis of using meanings by temperature character points of phase diagram lower branch. It is found the equation system which connects the character points parameters with magnetizations in initial point and in the point of maximum of diagram in the temperature more than compensation. By solving this equation system it is found the enough simple analytical expressions which determine the saturation magnetizations both sublattices through parameters of character points on lower brunch of phase diagram. The proposed methods is applied to determination of sublattice magnetizations in experiments by measuring summary magnetization which are curried out on the films of two different compositions using the vibration magnetometer. For the examination of determined meanings the comparison with constructed on its basis phase diagram with the diagram determined in experiment was carried out. The examination shows the coincidence calculated data with experiment in limits from 8 to 40%. The analysis of correspondence determined diagram data with experimental data. It is found the good (to part of percent) coincidence of whole magnetization meaning in the beginning of diagram and also the coincidence of compensation temperature and Curie temperature. For the interpretation of visible deflections it is proposed the hypothesis about influence of third sublattice which changes the magnetizations of main sublattices. It is proposed some recommendations for further development of investigations.

Keywords: mixed garnet ferrite, compensation temperature, sub-lattice magnetization.

Financing: The work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the V.A. Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Corresponding author: Shcheglov Vladimir Ignatyevich,



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For citation:

Suslov D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I. The calculation algorithm of sublattise magnetizations in two-sublattice ferrimagnet with compensation point. Part 2. Power index approximation. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – ¹. 5. (In Russian)