"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 11, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.11.12    full text in Russian (pdf)  

UDC 621.369.9

Radio wave control of parameters of samples of multi-layer radome walls


K. M. Baskov, A. A. Politiko, V. N. Semenenko, V. A. Chistyaev, D. I. Akimov, I. I. Krasnolobov
Institute for Theoretical and Applied Electromagnetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Izhorskaya str., 13, Moscow 125412 Russia

 The paper is received on October 24, 2019, after correction - on November 1, 2019


Abstract. High-precision radio systems use the properties of the propagation of an electromagnetic field along the Earth's surface. Nowadays the interest remains in the methods for calculating the amplitude-phase structure of the field over real radio paths. The main property of the earth wave field is the stability of the phase structure and diffraction propagation over relatively large distances. The field of the earth wave is considered which is created by a vertical electric dipole over an electrically and geometrically inhomogeneous surface of the Earth. Such waves are called diurnal, they are of interest at distances when the influence of waves reflected from the ionosphere on the field can be neglected.

In the case of an electrically homogeneous radio path, the attenuation function of the earth wave field is calculated using the Sommerfeld’s formulas for the flat surface model and the Fock’s series for the spherical surface model. To calculate the levels of the electromagnetic field and its phase over geometrically and electrically inhomogeneous radio paths, the most used method is the numerical solution of the Hufford’s integral equation. The disadvantage of numerically integrating the Hufford equation is that the range of applicability of the method is limited in distance due to the loss of accuracy of calculations. In practice, such a disadvantage is at high frequencies with "poor" conductivities of the underlying medium. For extended radio paths, it is proposed to use the method of the modernized Feinberg’s integral equation for electrically inhomogeneous radio paths taking into account the relief of the terrain to calculate the function of attenuation of the earthwave field. This method allows performing calculations in the LF-MF ranges of radio waves over paths with relatively "poor" conductivity.

Key words: earthwave field, surface impedance, attenuation function, radio path relief.


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For citation:
Baskov K.M., Politiko A.A., Semenenko V.N., Chistyaev V.A., Akimov D.I., Krasnolobov I.I.
Radio wave control of parameters of samples of multi-layer radome walls. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 11. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/nov19/12/text.pdf