"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 11, 2019

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.11.2     full text in Russian (pdf)  

UDC 537.874 + 537.877 + 621.37

Registration and authentication of non-stationary fields of USP signals of radio-vision of subnanosecond resolution


G. V. Kulikov, M. S. Kostin

MIREA - Russian Technological University, prosp. Vernadskogo, 78, Moscow 119454, Russia

The paper is received on October 25, 2019

Abstract. The problems and relevance of the study of non-stationary USP fields for the creation of radio-visual subnanosecond resolution systems are formulated. The responsibilities of non-stationary USP fields in radio vision were studied: the influence of the radiophysical features of stationary homogeneous and inhomogeneous material media on the distribution pattern and the time-frequency instability of the fields of USP signals of non-stationary radio wave processes by direct registration of fields in time was studied; the scattering of non-stationary fields by equivalent inhomogeneities is investigated. Methods of authenticating USP responses, which are radio images, by impulse characteristics under stationary interference conditions, are investigated. An adaptive method of singular decomposition radio wave analysis and identification of the radiophysical and electrodynamic parameters of the inhomogeneities of stationary and non-stationary material media is developed. A numerical algorithm is developed for the synthesis of USP with a given quasioptimal configuration of the power spectral density function and an estimate of the energy potential of the quasioptimal USP. The effectiveness of the methods of time-scale transformation of non-stationary fields of USP in equivalent and real time modes, the study of dynamic processes, stability and increasing the resolution of devices for temporary transformation of USP of periodic and quasi-finite configuration are evaluated. A stroboscopic method of a high-precision strobe-sampling frame for USP sampling with a picosecond recording resolution was developed, which is independent of the number of stroboscopic iterations of a sample sequence of radio pulses. We carried out the experimental study of the time-scale transformation of the USP in the stroboscopic mode, the strobe-sampling frame, spectral-temporal recovery and quasi-optimal detection of quasi-finite USP and their radio pulse sequence under stationary noise conditions.  The assessment of the authentic reproducibility of recording non-stationary fields was fulfilled also.

Key words: USP, non-stationary field, authentication, registration, time-scale conversion, strobe-frame sampling, impulse response, radiovision, radiomonitoring, radiowave image, subnanosecond resolution.


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For citation:

Kulikov G.V., Kostin M.S. Registration and authentication of non-stationary fields of USP signals of radio-vision of subnanosecond resolution.  Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2019. No. 11. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/nov19/2/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2019.11.2