Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2021. ¹11

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.11.7

UDC: 621.391.072




Kulikov G. V., Dang Xuan Khang


MIREA - Russian Technological University, 119454, Moscow, 78 Vernadsky Avenue.


The paper was received July 1, 2021.


Abstract. The development of television technologies and the need to transmit high-quality video information requires that modern digital television and broadcasting systems can transmit large amounts of information. The use of signals with multi-position amplitude and phase-shift keying 16-APSK and 32-APSK in DVB-S2 generation satellite television systems made it possible to transmit 30% more data in the same frequency bands compared to the previous DVB-S standard. The latest DVB-S2X digital satellite TV standard is an extension of the DVB-S2 standard and supports modulations of 64,128,256-APSK. It is known that increasing the positionality of signals reduces the noise immunity of their reception and the system as a whole. In addition, the presence of non-fluctuation interference in the radio channel that falls into the frequency band of the useful signal has a strong influence on noise immunity. The article uses statistical radio engineering methods to calculate the probability of a bit error when receiving M-APSK signals against the background of phase-shift keying interference at different parameters of the latter. It is shown that of phase-shift keying interference of even low intensity (µ < 0.3) falling into the main lobe of the signal spectrum significantly reduces the noise immunity of receiving 16-APSK and 32-APSK signals. High-intensity interference (µ ≥ 0.5) practically destroys reception. The influence of phase-shift keying interference decreases with an increase in its detuning relative to the carrier frequency of the useful signal and an increase in the relative transmission rate of the interference. A comparison of the reception quality when using M-PSK, M-QAM and M-APSK signals is carried out and it is shown that the noise immunity of receiving M-QAM and M-APSK against the background of  phase-shift keying interference is approximately the same. M-PSK signals are significantly inferior to them in terms of reception noise immunity.

Key words: amplitude and phase-shift keying, phase-shift keying interference, noise immunity, bit error probability, signal-to-noise ratio.


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For citation:

Kulikov G.V., Dang Xuan Khang. Noise immunity of receiving signals with amplitude and phase-shift keying in the presence of phase-shift keying interference. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics]. 2021. ¹11. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.11.7 (In Russian)