Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2022. 11

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.11.17






D.A. Iuzvik, M.A. Stepanov


Novosibirsk State Technical University

630073, Russia, Novosibirsk, Karl Marx av., 20


The paper was received August 23, 2022.


Abstract. The article describes the problem of spatial separation of devices operating in the same frequency range. The possibility of focusing electromagnetic fields in several specified regions of space is considered. The proposed method for focusing the electromagnetic field can be an additional method for separation devices that operate in the same frequency range. The system under consideration, consisting of space, radiating antennas and focusing points, is represented as an abstract multipole with the number of inputs equal to the number of radiating antennas and with a set of outputs equal to the number of focusing points. A coordinate system has been introduced that makes it possible to calculate the distances between radiation and focusing points. A method for calculating complex transmission coefficients between emission points and reception points is described. An analytical expression is obtained, which is a system of linear algebraic equations, which makes it possible to calculate the necessary amplitudes and phases of signals supplied to radiating antennas. A model in a computer-aided design system containing 56 radiating antennas is presented. 9 focus points were set, 4 of which should have maxima of the electromagnetic field. The simulation confirmed the theoretical calculations. A method for optimizing the calculations of the initial amplitudes and phases by eliminating the elements of the characteristic matrix is considered. This made it possible to reduce the number of elements in the characteristic matrix.

Key words: electromagnetic fields, focusing, antenna arrays, telecommunications, spatial selection, calculation optimization, characteristic matrix.

Financing: The study was financially supported as part of the implementation of the NSTU development program, scientific project No. С22-25.

Corresponding author: Iuzvik Denis Andreevich, zetanicestar@gmail.com



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For citation:

Iuzvik D.A., Stepanov M.A. Focusing of the radiation of wireless data transmission networks at given points of space. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2022. №11. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.11.17 (In Russian)