Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2022. №11

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.11.18


Heuristic and applied potential of combining microwave humidity-temperature sensing

of soil and photographing in facially differentiated agricultural systems


E.P. Novichikhin 1,4, N.F. Khokhlov 1,2, A.G. Bolotov 1,2, I.A. Sidorov 1, A.G. Gudkov 1,

I.O. Porokhov 5, S.V. Chizhikov 1,3


1 Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow 105005, Russian Federation

2 RGAU MSHA named after K.A.Timiryazev, Moscow, 127434, Timiryazevskaya st., 49, RF

3 LLC "NPI FIRM "HYPERION" 115201, Moscow, Kashirsky ave., 13, Russian Federation

4 Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS, Fryazino Branch,

Fryazino 141190, Moscow Region, Russian Federation Moscow, 11 Mokhovaya str., bldg.7.

5 TSNIRTI named after academician A.I. Berg, 105066, Moscow, Novaya Basmannaya str., 20


The paper was received November 20, 2022


Abstract. The paper is devoting the discussion of the biocenotic conditions, boundaries and advantages of additional equipment of an airmobile platform (UAV) with a microwave radiometric system for soil moisture and temperature sensing of inhomogeneous arable lands included in the turnover of moraine plain landscapes with photography. The necessity is theoretically justified and an algorithm is given for obtaining and using information on the projective coating of the leaf surface to calculate the corrections of the results of probing soil moisture with a microwave radiometer. Approaches to the rationalization of the survey, methods of statistical analysis of photography data that allow predicting the translocal vector of the dynamics of the weed component of the lands put into circulation are considered. Agro-industrial applications of joint microwave sensing and photographing on plantations of perennial industrial crops are given. The purpose of the work is to discuss the features of the conditions and to show the opportunities and prospects for the agronomic application of the results of combining microwave humidity–temperature sensing of the soil and digital photography in the development of fallow facially differentiated lands planned for the laying of plantations of perennial industrial crops. The following results were obtained. The analysis of the influence of vegetation cover on the results of remote determination of soil moisture using a bipolarization microwave radiometer of the L-band is carried out. A method for correcting radiometric data on soil moisture using additional photography data in the presence of surface vegetation is proposed. A field humidity map obtained as a result of a full-scale experiment with subsequent data processing is presented. The possibility of predictions controlled by agricultural production based on the combination of microwave humidity-temperature sensing of the soil and photographing in facially differentiated agrogeosystems of the repetition of the phytocenotic pattern of root facies heterogeneity is shown. Practical significance. The introduction of the obtained new algorithms for taking into account the shielding effect of vegetation cover on the soil surface during microwave radiometric sensing of the soil surface from a UAV into the technological processes of growing crops ensures the sustainable development of crop production technologies, increasing yields and obtaining additional profits for agricultural enterprises.

Key words: Microwave radiometer, remote sensing, UAV, agrogeosystems, soil moisture, projective covering of the soil surface with leaves.

Financing: the research was carried out at the expense of the grant of the Russian Science Foundation No. 22-19-00063, https://rscf.ru/project/22-19-00063

Corresponding author: Novichikhin Eugeniy Pavlovich, epnov@mail.ru


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For citation:

 Novichikhin E.P., Khokhlov N.F.,  Bolotov A.G.,  Sidorov I.A., Gudkov A.G.,  Porokhov I.O.,  Chizhikov S.V. Heuristic and applied potential of combining microwave humidity-temperature sensing of soil and photographing in facially differentiated agricultural systems. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2022. №11. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.11.18 (In Russian)