Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2023. 11

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The study of the principles of constructing

of broadband oscillatory microwave systems

on the example of a Fabry-Pérot interferometer


M.Yu. Zakharchenko, Yu.F. Zakharchenko


Kotelnikov IRE RAS, Saratov Branch

410019, Russia, Saratov, Zelenaya str., 38


The paper was received November 29, 2023.


Abstract. In telecommunications and radar systems of the centimeter and millimeter wave ranges, span klystrons are widely used as medium and high power amplifiers. The use of high-quality resonators makes it possible to realize high efficiency and amplification factors. However, typical designs of 2 - 4 resonator klystrons have a bandwidth of 0.1 - 0.5 % due to the need to use resonators with a high Q – factor. The well-known method of expanding the amplified frequency band in the centimeter range up to 7 – 12 % and in the millimeter range up to 1 - 2 % consists in tuning the frequency of the intermediate klystron resonators by several percent of the central amplification frequency. But in this case, it is required to use 10 - 12 resonators. The authors of the work discovered that when a millimeter range electromagnetic wave is reflected from an electrodynamics system in the form of a metal film on the surface of a semiconductor layer, the input resistance phase-frequency characteristic of this system consists of a chain of frequency intervals with turnings from a positive phase-frequency characteristic to a negative one and vice versa. The possibility of constructing a phase shifter with a negative phase frequency response based on this phenomenon is demonstrated and its application for expanding the resonant frequency band is considered on the example of the Fabry - Perot interferometer model. This resonator contains a phase shifter in the form of a semiconductor layer F with a thickness DF, a conductivity σF, a relative dielectric eF and a magnetic mF permeability. The outer surface of the layer F contains a metal mirror, and the inner surface is adjacent to the layer W. The layer W which has the thickness of DW, eW, mW  forms the internal space of the resonator. The external environment I with mI and eI. adjoins the layer W. A plane electromagnetic wave propagates in I media so that it excites the resonator at a wavelength of l0. The use of a phase shifter makes it possible to increase the resonant wavelength band Δl/l0 by 2 - 4 times and with an electromagnetic field amplification coefficient |G(l)| in the W layer by 10 - 20 times (the value of Dl/l0 corresponds to 0.707 max |G(l0)|). An increase of σF leads to an amplitude-frequency characteristic transforming of the field gain function G(l0) from two maxima to one maximum form with a transition through a flat top. In this case max |G(l0)| decreases and Dl/l0 increases. For the case, when the function |G(l)| has a flat top, an increase in the wave resistance ρW of the layer W with a corresponding decrease in sF and optimal values of DW  leads to an increase in |G(l0)|. When this occurs, Dl/l0 becomes lower.

Key words: broadband resonator, phase shifter with negative phase-frequency response, semiconductor.

Financing: This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation within the framework of the state assignment to Kotelnikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Corresponding author: Zakharchenko Yuri Fedorovich,


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For citation:

Zakharchenko M.Yu., Zakharchenko Yu.F. The study of the principles of constructing of broadband oscillatory microwave systems on the example of a Fabry-Pérot interferometer. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2023. – №. 11. (In Russian)