Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №11
Full text in Russian (pdf)
Kuzmin N.O., Murmansky M.S., Zhechev Y.S.
Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
634050, Tomsk, Lenin pr. 40.
The paper was received August 8, 2024.
Abstract. The influence of manufacturing defects on the characteristics of the coupled microstrip line has been evaluated. The results of quasi-static analysis showed that the values of matrices C and L change when the etching time and εr values change, which in turn affects the frequency and time characteristics of transmission lines. Electrodynamic analysis reveals that the linearity of the transmission coefficient changes depending on the shape of the conductors. It is shown that when the shape of the conductors of the coupled transmission lines changes with increasing etching time, the resonances shift towards higher frequencies. Analysis of the obtained matrices C and L revealed that with increasing etching time, the eigenvalues of C and Z decrease, while L increases. This is due to the decrease in the cross-sectional area of the conductor as well as the change in the εr values of the materials. It is found that an increase in the etching time leads to a change in the voltage waveform at the far end of the active conductor. It is also found that the conductor shape with the best performance in terms of noise suppression is shape 3. The structure with rectangular-shaped conductors has the lowest values of linear capacitance, which affects the characteristics of the coupled microstrip line.
Key words: quasi-static modeling, relative dielectric permittivity, etching, electrodynamic modeling.
Financing: The study was conducted as part of the project FEWM-2024-0005 of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.
Corresponding author: Kuzmin Nikita Olegovich
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For citation:
Kuzmin N.O., Murmansky M.S., Zhechev E.S. Assessment of the impact of manufacturing defects on the characteristics of the coupled microstrip line. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 11. (In Russian)