"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 10, 2016

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Investigation of the change of electrophysical characteristics of LEDs based on AlGaInP heterostructures (λ = 624 nm) with multiple quantum wells exposed by fast neutrons


K. N. Orlova, A. V. Gradoboev, A. V. Simonova

1 Urga Branch of Tomsk Polytechnical University, Urga

2 Scientific Institute of Semiconductor Devices, Tomsk


The paper is received on October 12, 2016


Abstract. The research results of current-voltage and capacitance-watt characteristics degradation of LEDs based on AlGaInP heterostructures with multiple quantum wells on the example of the 624 nm wavelength LED are presented upon exposure to fast neutrons in a passive power mode. Current-voltage LEDs based on AlGaInP heterostructures characteristic in low currents vary slightly upon irradiation with fast neutrons fluence. Current-voltage characteristic shift with an increase in neutron fluence occurs at high currents to higher voltages. Presumably the resistance increasing is due to the resistance increasing of the contact area as a result of changes in the mobility charge carriers, which varies as a result of defects introduced by the impact of fast neutrons. The capacitance-watt characteristics change with increasing the neutron fluence at high currents to higher voltages field. The heterogeneity injection area is selected, which is most likely linked to the residual impurity complexes Mg-H destruction (reconstruction) and tends to disappear with increasing exposure to neutrons. With increasing of fast neutrons exposure this area is reduced, and a purely radiation defects input takes place. During the transition from average to high electron injection field a change in current flow mechanism occurs for red LEDs based on heterostructures AlGaInP under irradiation by fast neutrons.

Keywords: heterostructures AlGaInP, radiation hardness, light-emitting diodes.


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