"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 10, 2017

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The transmission of binary messages by overlapping signals


V. A. Vershinin

P. A. Solovyov Rybinsk State Aviation Technical University, Pushkin str. 53, Rybinsk, Yaroslavl region 152934, Russia


The paper is received on August 16, 2017


Abstract. This paper considers the transmission of binary messages. Elements of binary messages follow with an interval of T0. Before sending the binary message is divided into blocks. The unit consists of two message elements. Blocks arrive for transmission with an interval 2T0. For each transmission of a block element opposite elementary signal with duration T = 4T0 are used. Thus, the transmitted elementary signals overlap in time. Elementary signals corresponding to unit elements fully overlap in time. Elementary signals corresponding to elements of neighboring blocks overlap by the amount T/2. We determined the frequency band occupied by the transmitted signal. This frequency band is equal to 2.36/T. 99% of the signal power is concentrated in this frequency band. The reception of message elements was carried out on the basis of linear independence of the elementary signals. The estimation of the noise immunity of transmission was carried out for the case of interference in the form of white noise. The proposed method of transmitting binary messages allows one to obtain good frequency efficiency without the use of a spectrum shaper. Frequency efficiency (the ratio of the bandwidth to the speed of transmission of binary message elements) is equal to 0.59. The proposed method of transfer, under certain conditions, can be considered as an alternative to quadrature amplitude modulation.

Key words: overlapping signals, frequency band, noise immunity.


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For citation:

V. A. Vershinin. The transmission of binary messages by overlapping signals. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2017. No. 10. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/oct17/5/text.pdf. (In Russian)