Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2024. №9
Full text in Russian (pdf)
V.A. Vershinin
The paper was received May 8, 2024.
Abstract. Frequency efficiency, noise immunity and implementation complexity are the most important parameters for the transmission of binary messages. One of the directions for increasing frequency efficiency is the conscious or controlled introduction of intersymbol interference into the transmitted signal with an acceptable reduction in noise immunity and complication of implementation. The article analyzes the transmission of binary messages by orthogonalized narrow-band partially overlapping signals. The formation of the transmitted signal and processing of the received signal are considered. The probability of error when exposed to interference in the form of white noise is determined. The transmission noise immunity was assessed using simulation. The considered method of transmitting binary messages provides good frequency efficiency without the use of a spectrum shaper with high noise immunity.
Key words: overlapping signals, orthogonalization, intersymbol interference, frequency efficiency, complex envelope.
Corresponding author: Vershinin Vladimir Aleksandrovich,
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For citation:
Vershinin V.A. Transmission of binary messages by orthogonalized partially overlapped signals. // Journal of Radio Electronics. – 2024. – №. 10. (In Russian)