"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 9, 2016

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Method of separation in time of the harmonic components of wideband signals


A. Y. Grishentcev

Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics

The paper is received on July 26, 2016


Abstract. By definition, wideband refers to the communication in which messages satisfy the following condition: FT >> 1, where T - duration of the message the F - band occupied by the message. The variety of applications and wideband capabilities determines the specificity of the different methods of implementation. Wideband technologies are more than sixty years of history, the first development (the second half of the thirties of the XX century) relates to systems for military use. Today, wideband systems are used in virtually all areas of information communication.
This work is devoted to posts recognition method in a wideband wireless systems, the proposed method realizes the separation in time of the autocorrelation of the harmonic components of wideband signals. The introduction includes links to a series of publications devoted to the issues of search and processing of signals received on the basis of a special form of autocorrelation functions. The work is a continuation of these publications, and together they form a complete methodology for the construction of wideband systems using signals obtained on the basis of matrices with the autocorrelation function of a special form with complex values of the elements. The water of this article set out the aims and objectives of the study. Special attention is paid to the formulation of research problems and possible alternative ways of solving the problem. In the next part of the paper directly to the method of separation in time of the autocorrelation of the harmonic components of wideband signals: a functional block diagram of an implementation of the method, described in detail and justified sequence of transformations. Next, we consider some of the results obtained in the practice of the method, a comparison with possible alternative solutions. At the end of the work set forth the results, noted the advantages of this method, in particular, it is shown that the proposed method can effectively divide the autocorrelation components recognizable messages, with the recognition it is possible to use the entire time-frequency band communication, and thus take advantage of the signals generated in the matrix basis with autocorrelation the function of a special form with complex values of the elements.

Keywords: code division signals, radio communications, digital signal processing, autocorrelation function.


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