"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 9, 2016

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Experimentally obtained spectra of the millimeter waves' attenuation, absorption and scattering from dry fresh snow

V. A. Golunov1, A. V. Kuzmin2, D. P. Skulachev2, G. I. Kchokchlov1

1 Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio-engineering and Electronics of RAS, Fryazino Branch

2 Space Research Institute of RAS

The paper is received on August 24, 2016

Abstract: The reflectivity, transmissivity and coherent intensity transmittance depending on the thickness of the layer of dry fresh snow with different structures are measured at frequencies 37.5, 60 and 94GHz. Experimental data are approximated using FIRE model. The experimental frequency dependence of the extinction coefficient and the model variables such as the absorption and scattering coefficients and attenuation of incoherent radiation are analyzed. It was found that clusters of particles can strongly influence upon the scattering and attenuation of millimeter waves into dry fresh snow. Due to the clusters scattering the frequency dependence of attenuation and scattering coefficients are significantly different from the theoretical ones determined by the theory of strong fluctuations.

Key words: scattering, attenuation, millimeter waves, fresh snow, frequency dependence, clusters.


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