"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 9, 2017

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A. N. Katrusha

Military educational and scientific centre of Military-air forces «Military-air academy named by prof. N.E.Zhukovsky and Ju.A.Gagarin»


The paper is received on June 7, 2017, after correction - on July 14, 2017


Abstract. The results of electromagnetic interference measurements are actual for the estimation of information security from signal leak on conductive line. Received experimental regularities can be used also for construction and updating of analytical models of information leakage channels. Usually, technical equipment is located inside multistorey buildings. In this connection for the estimation of spurious signal attenuation in a line it is necessary to consider the influence of closely located objects on the distribution of the current and near field. The article considers a simplified model for the formation of interference in a thin wire, located in a room of a multistorey building in close proximity to the absorbing surface in the form of a concrete floor. The harmonic generator with symmetric antenna was used as an external radiation source. Two typical orientations of the antenna with respect to the wires of the line are considered: the axis of the antenna is parallel and perpendicular to the wire. Based on the moment method, the level of electromagnetic interference in a thin wire with isolation was calculated. Also it was taking into account the influence of the underlying close located surface. The comparative analysis has shown good enough correspondence of experimental researches results and numerical calculations. We revealed the significant effect of close located surface and the orientation of the radiating antenna to the signal attenuation in the line. Thus, the attenuation of electromagnetic interference is not a characteristic of individual lines. It describes a system consisting of radiation source, conductive line and surrounding space near the conductor line. It is shown that the level of signal attenuation along the line varies non-uniformly, and on certain sections the amplitude of the induced current does not change. Therefore to analyze the level of interference in the lines it is incorrect to use widely known theory of long lines. It is proposed to consider the electromagnetic problem of determining the currents induced in the line by external electromagnetic field taking into account the influence of the surrounding space.

Keywords: compromising emanations, experimental researches, information protection, attenuation of signals, numerical methods.


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For citation:

A. N. Katrusha. Experimental research of the influence of absorbing surface on interference attenuation in the conductive line. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics, 2017, No. 9. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/sep17/2/text.pdf. (In Russian)