"JOURNAL OF RADIO ELECTRONICS" (Zhurnal Radioelektroniki ISSN 1684-1719, N 9, 2018

contents of issue      DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.9.18     full text in Russian (pdf)  

Spatial frequencies spectra multiplication for the black and white images of flat fractal objects


G. V. Arzamastseva, M. G. Evtikhov, F. V. Lisovsky, E. G. Mansvetova

Fryazino Branch of Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vvedensky Sq.1, Fryazino Moscow region 141190, Russia


The paper is received on September 13, 2018


Abstract. An experimental study of the possibility of spatial frequencies spectra multiplication for the black and white images of flat fractal objects by using their preliminary transformation into rarefied ones is carried out. The multiplication algorithm, based on well-known method of sampling with a comb function, is illustrated for L-system based geometrical fractal with definite production rules and with seed set (axiom) in a form of unit black square. Realisation of used procedure within the frames of chosen fixed production rules bases on the substitution of initial axiom by unit white square centred with black square with side equals 1/q, where q is any positive number greater than one. For any integer positive odd number multiplication factor of spectra equals q2.

A first step for the experimental determination of spatial frequencies spectra of objects by observation of the diffraction pattern forming in the Fraunhofer zone is the creation of black-and-white raster pictures of the selected fractals on the computer using specially designed software. Then the resulting pictures were printed onto a transparent film with imagesetter having resolution of 1333 points / cm and the spot size about of 7.5 µm.

Forming after the passage of the light beam through the transparent film with fractal picture diffraction patterns were compared with the fast Fourier transform data of digitized images, obtained by a uniform grid function approximation with sufficiently large (up to 4096x4096) number of nodes in order to ensure adequate approximation of the smallest image details.

It was shown that a good accordance the experimental results with digital calculations data is achieved for p>2, where parameter p equals to the ratio of the smallest element of the fractal image to the approximating grid function period.

Key words: approximation, 2D Fourier transform, diffraction pattern, spectra multiplication, spatial frequencies, sparse fractal, grid function, L-system fractal.


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For citation:
G. V. Arzamastseva, M. G. Evtikhov, F. V. Lisovsky, E. G. Mansvetova. Spatial frequencies spectra multiplication for the black and white images of flat fractal objects. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2018. No. 9. Available at http://jre.cplire.ru/jre/sep18/18/text.pdf

DOI  10.30898/1684-1719.2018.9.18