Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2020. No. 9

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DOI  https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.9.10

UDC 661.718.33:547.979.733


Spectral properties study of Bi porphyrins complexes for biophotonics and immune therapy


A. S. Gorshkova, V. D. Rumyantseva, I. P. Shilov

Fryazino Branch of the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of Russian Academy of Sciences, acad. Vvedenskogo sq., 1, Fryazino, Moscow Region, 141190 Russia


The paper is received on September 17, 2020


Abstract. Due to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, bismuth compounds are of particular interest in the treatment of coronavirus infection. Bismuth porphyrins complexes of various spatial configurations were synthesized. The influence of various substituents on spectral characteristics was evaluated by UV-vis, luminescence spectra, IR-, 1H NMR- and  X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies.

Key words: bismuth complexes, porphyrins, spectral characteristics, biophotonics, immune therapy, coronavirus infection.


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For citation:

Gorshkova A.S., Rumyantseva V.D., Shilov I.P. Spectral properties study of Bi porphyrins complexes for biophotonics and immune therapy. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. 2020. No.9. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2020.9.10 (In Russian)