Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2021. No. 9
ContentsFull text in Russian (pdf)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.9.1
UDC: 537.874; 537.624
Part 1. Resonance on difference frequency
V. S. Vlasov1, D. A. Pleshev1, V. G. Shavrov2, V. I. Shcheglov2
1 Syktyvkar State University of Sorokin, Oktyabrsky prosp. 55, Syktyvkar 167001, Russia
2 Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, Mokhovaya 11-7, Moscow 125009, Russia
The paper was received august 24, 2021
Abstract. The task about nonlinear excitation of hypersound vibrations in ferrite plate in conditions of combine influence in two frequencies is investigated. As a preliminary task the investigation of only magnetic vibrations by two-frequency excitation is carried out. The possibility of description of forced linear vibrations on the basis of single nonuniform linear second order equation with arbitrary excitation is shown. It is found the analytical solution of task about excitation of oscillator by two signals which frequencies are distinguishes up and down from central frequency on the same frequency interval. It is shown the equivalency of representation of magnetic vibrations in linear regime and model vibrations on the basis of oscillator. It is found that in the general case the vibrations have view as beating which rounding frequency is equal to difference between excitation frequencies. The whole positing of task about excitation of nonlinear magnetoelastic vibrations in normal magnetized ferrite plate by two-frequency excitation is proposed. It is found that in conditions of large nonlinearity when the own elastic resonance of plate is equal to the difference frequency the powerful elastic vibrations are excited. It is found the nonlinear excitation of powerful non-resonance vibrations which take place also in the case of large elastic dissipation. It is shown that the non-resonance vibrations are determined precisely two-frequency character of excitation. It is found that the amplitude of non-resonance vibrations by increasing of plate thickness also is increased. By the small level of excitation, the low of increasing is linear, by middle – quadratic, by large – again approaches to linear with saturation and non-permanent sudden jumps. The character of excitation in conditions of resonance on difference frequency is investigated. It is shown that this resonance has powerful determined nonlinear character because it arises only by enough large excitation level. It is shown that the further increasing of resonance amplitude by the increasing the excitation level is realized by the low which is near to quadratic. But after this increasing when excitation level reaches determined value the resonance amplitude is saturated and remains constant. It is drawn attention to some discrepancy between the realization on nonlinearity by magnetic and elastic systems. For the de-scription of this discrepancy the empirical quadratic dependence is proposed. In brief is proposed some remarks about further development of work.
Key words: magnetostriction transducer, nonlinear vibrations, magnetoelastic resonance.
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For citation:
Vlasov V.S., Pleshev D.A., Shavrov V.G., Shcheglov V.I. Nonlinear excitation of hypersound vibrations in ferrite plate in conditions of combine influence in two frequencies. Part 1. Resonance on difference frequency. Zhurnal Radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics]. 2021. ¹9. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2021.9.1 (In Russian)