Zhurnal Radioelektroniki - Journal of Radio Electronics. eISSN 1684-1719. 2022. №9

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.9.8


Methods and means for measuring complex permittivity

and permeability of materials in the microwave range


O.A. D’yakonova, V.S. Solosin


Kotelnikov IRE RAS, Fryazino Branch
141120, Russia, Fryazino, pl. Vvedenskogo, 1


The paper was received July 20, 2022.


Abstract. This paper describes methods and tools for measuring the complex permittivity and permeability of various materials in the range of 0.9 – 40 GHz. A list of equipment necessary for the practical implementation of methods for experimental evaluation of the complex permittivity and permeability (ε, μ) of various materials, as well as the coefficients R of reflection and T of the transmission of electromagnetic radiation through samples of materials, is proposed. In the measuring circuits, the vector network analyzer PNA-X N5244 is used. Six schemes are given for connecting standard horn antennas to a network analyzer. Three methods  for measuring the complex permittivity and permeability by the values of the reflection coefficient and one method for the values of the reflection coefficient and the transmission coefficient are considered: waveguide method for measuring ε and μ by the values of the reflection coefficient; methodology for measuring ε and μ by the values of the reflection coefficient in free space; resonator technique for measuring ε and μ; a technique for measuring ε and μ by the values of the reflection and transmission coefficient in free space. A comparative analysis of the measurement results of images obtained at the installation equipped with a vector analyzer of circuits of Agilent PNA-X N5244A and a complex based on panoramic VSWR meters in the range of 8 – 38 GHz is carried out. The measurements carried out made it possible to test the proposed methods.

Key words: complex permittivity, complex permeability, reflection coefficient, transmission coefficient, vector network analyzer, horn antenna, quasi-optical reflectometer, resonator.

Financing: The work was carried out at the expense of budget financing within the framework of the state task № 075-01133-22-00.

Corresponding author: D’yakonova Olga Alekseevna, doa52@mail.ru


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For citation:

D’yakonova O.A., Solosin V.S. Methods and means for measuring complex permittivity and permeability of materials in the microwave range. Zhurnal radioelektroniki [Journal of Radio Electronics] [online]. 2022. №9. https://doi.org/10.30898/1684-1719.2022.9.8 (In Russian)